Helsinki City Theatre


Up-to-date equipment data enhances Helsinki City Theatre’s technical operations

"Trail’s functionalities were superior compared to the competitors" Henri Sneck, Technical Manager

The largest professional theater in Finland, the Helsinki City Theater creates unforgettable theater productions on five different stages around Helsinki. About 240 theater professionals create approximately 1,000 performances every year.

The technical operations of large-scale theatre productions and simultaneous shows require precise planning and process know-how. Up-to-date and reliable equipment information is an essential factor in theater’s technical production.

What does the Helsinki City Theater use Trail for?

Technical manager Henri Sneck tells that before the introduction of Trail, information about the existing equipment was fragmented and unreliable.

Now, the equipment purchase details are easily available. For example, information of vendors, purchase time and prices, as well as warranty periods can be found in seconds. The investment planning feature offered by Trail is also a great help in planning of the future equipment purchases.

Information about the status of the equipment is up-to-date. Reliable information about the equipment location, condition, maintenance status, as well as availability are all crucial details when planning the technical production of upcoming shows.

Henri Sneck also recommends the "device audited" functionality. "This handy feature allows you to conveniently confirm the device's location information," says Sneck.

Trail’s maintenance management is used for managing and monitoring the equipment compliance. User manuals for lifting aids and lifting devices, inspection protocols and other device-specific information are also easily available in the item cards. The equipment availability at a specified time is ensured by using the Trail reservation functionality.

Achieved benefits

  • Up-to-date information on the condition, availability and location of the equipment is easily available
  • Better information about equipment purchases
  • Investment planning is based on more detailed equipment information than before
  • Equipment compliance is ensured with Trail’s maintenance management
  • Name:Helsinki City Theatre
  • Location:Finland
  • Features:Equipment reservation, Maintenance management, Equipment register and life cycle management, Investment planning, Asset tags
  • Started:2017

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Asset register and asset card

Ensure full visibility of all managed assets in one system

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Asset tagging

Improve equipment inventory efficiency by tagging and tracking assets.

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Equipment reservations

Ensure that the equipment used in projects is efficiently used and timely information about reservations is available and achievable.

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